Authentic method of preparation :
यत्तापितं तापितं शीतोदकेन शतश: स्त्यानी॓क्रियते।
(टी. इन्दु )
Add warm ghrita and cold water mix by rubbing with hands then remove water
Repeat process 100 times till dense product is formed.
-using hand imbibes energy to the product
Final Product : #AyurvedicCream
Intense hydration homologous emulsion smooth, silky, non-granular, #cooling and #nourishing.
Reduced particle size facilitate penetration in deeper skin layers
TIPS for #homemadeAyurvediccream -
1. For topical use only.
2. It is easiest minimum ingredient #natural #moisturizer #cream
3. Why Copper - as base / for rubbing / water stored in copper vessel since
-copper has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal efficacy
-it is found to enhance wound #healing
- serves as a cofactor of tyrosinase (a melanin biosynthesis essential enzyme responsible for skin and hair #pigmentation); therefore helpful in conditions like #vitiligo
-serves as cofactor of superoxide dismutase (antioxidant enzyme present in skin); topical #antiaging effect.
-acts as a catalyst for fat splitting.
Why ghee: anti-inflammatory, nourishing(packed with essential fatty acids like linoleic FA which contributes to formation of ceramides essential for structure of epidermal barrier making skin healthy and hydrated,amino acids, Vitamins AEK , minerals like Ca, K, etc) rich in antioxidants
4. Shelf life : about 2 to 3 months (4 to 6 months if stored in refrigerator)
5. To add aroma and keep it natural : wash last batch or even more with rose water / kumkum (kesar) dipped water
6. Penetration to deeper tissues (particle size reduction) and moisture content is directly proportional to number of times process is repeated [hence Ayurveda prepares shatdhaut *100 times and shahastradhaut Ghrut *1000 times]
7. Use good quality cow ghee
-Relieves symptoms of inflammatory stage of superficial and partial thickness #burns
-Indication in विसर्प (acute spreading inflammatory skin conditions due to it's anti inflammatory and #soothing properties)
-My professor also found clinical success in soothing symptoms of chicken pox rashes in patients.
-Research shows patient applying shata dhauta ghrita in yonigata sadya vrana during sutika avastha(i.e. episiotomy) is quite effective in reducing the Pain, Swelling, Discharge, Edges, and Smell of sadya vrana.
-In pediatric patients : research has shown positive effect in #dry skin, napkin rashes, bacterial skin infections
Products available -
NAGARJUNA Shathadhaoutha Ghrutham -10 Gram
*importance - A. Vagbhat ref [A. H 2/3]
~ सात्म्य आयुर्वेद
( Saatmya #Ayurveda)