
Rep. Adam Schiff on Guaranteeing Paychecks During the Coronavirus Crisis

Rep. Adam Schiff on Guaranteeing Paychecks During the Coronavirus Crisis How do you keep people employed during this pandemic?

Rep. Adam Schiff thinks the federal government should guarantee a company's payroll during the coronavirus crisis.

"Have the federal government guarantee a large percent of payroll, 80, or 90, or even 100% of payroll," Schiff said. "Workers don't get laid off, they don't have to go on unemployment, when the economy comes back they don't have to start looking all over again for a job, businesses don't have to close."

He's co-sponsoring legislation by Rep. Pramila Jayapal to guarantee 100% of payroll.

Beyond Jayapal's proposal, which would guarantee 100% of payroll, a separate proposal in the Senate from Josh Hawley (R-MO) would guarantee 80% of pay.

Just two months ago, Congressman Adam Schiff was the Democratic face of impeachment. Now, like some 9 in 10 Americans, the Chair of the House Intelligence Committee is working remotely, isolated at home with his family.

The conversation kicks off with Schiff's reaction to the guidelines President Trump laid out regarding reopening America in the face of coronavirus, a phased approach that hands the green light to state governors.

"Governors want to make sure that they are ready before they talk about reopening," Schiff cautioned, saying states need to make sure they have the testing, swabs and testing kits necessary before moving forward.

"This push to prematurely open," Schiff continued, "doesn't make sense until we're ready, and could lead to more misery for people."

Part of that misery could involve the dire economic situation many currently face, especially as some 22 million Americans have filed for unemployment in just the last month alone. Even more, the $350 Billion set aside by Congress in the CARES Act to be used for small business loans has already run out.

So what next in terms of Congressional relief?

Schiff said his constituents want to see the small business loan program continue, but there have been a number of problems identified, including big banks allegedly favoring their best customers while leaving other small businesses behind.

"Our states, our cities, and our hospitals are in crisis right now, and they need resources too, so we're hoping we can get bipartisan agreement to do all that right now, and then move to bigger relief items on the agenda down the road," Schiff said regarding the next wave of Congressional relief.

Before wrapping up, Schiff revealed a little about his quarantine life.

The Burbank Congressman has yet to jump on the "Tiger King" trend, instead opting for classic films like "Diner."

His daughter cut his hair...and, of course...posted the experience on Instagram.

Elex Michaelson interviewed Rep. Schiff for "The Issue Is:," California's only statewide political show.

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Rep. Adam Schiff,Congress,Burbank,Elex Michaelson,Democrats,Rep. Primala Jayapal,relief,coronavirus,covid 19,news,President Trump,Governor Newsom,

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