
Ultra running vlog: Can fasting make you a stronger ultra marathon runner?

Ultra running vlog: Can fasting make you a stronger ultra marathon runner? Now that training for a race is irrelevant due to cancellations because of Covid-19, its a good time to try new training methods or experiment with new ideas. If the training method doesn't add valuer to your goals then you haven't wasted important time that could have been used for a race.
As I've mentioned in some of my last videos, I want to try some didn't training ideas this cycle. If they don't work out Im out nothing.
In the past I haven't completed a 3 day fast. I noticed some changes in my body during that fast that convinced me that it was an opportunity for my body to clean itself out and give my organs a short break. The biggest change that I noticed was very black tarry stool after a couple of days without food. On a normal day that may concern me and could be indicative of some blood loss through the GI system. But when it was only related to fasting it seemed more likely to be similar to an evacuation of left over sludge from the intestines.
I have thought about repeating the fast but didn't take 3 days away from training and possibly loose some muscle mass. Now with more free time due to Corona Virus, and no race on the schedule, I thought that Easter weekend would be a perfect time to do it. Not only because I was off from work but also due to the symbolism of Easter weekend. It seemed like a perfect match.
During the fast I only consumed tea, water and a couple of Diet Cokes. No calories. I fasted for a period of 2 days and ab out 14 hours. Once again, it appeared as if my intestines were working over time to cleanse themselves of residue and sludge.

It was a great practice in self control and discipline. It was very much like running 100 miles when every ounce of your body wants to quit. You just have to be committed and have your mind tell your body its not an option. I was hungry. Very hungry. I wanted to eat. But knowing it was only a matter of time I didn't give in to temptation.

After it was over, I had lost 5 pounds. Felt less bloated and had a renewal of confidence in my ability to resist becomig a slave to my environment and wants.

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