
What is a Trigger? How our reactions indicate to us what is longing to be brought to LIGHT 🌟

What is a Trigger? How our reactions indicate to us what is longing to be brought to LIGHT 🌟 Hello Spiritual Family, 🌟 🌱

So I’ve mentioned in couple of videos the word “Trigger” and someone actually reached out and asked what I actually mean when I talk about a trigger.

In this video I explain in basic terms what I mean when I refer to #Triggers.

This is more on the serious side of things this post, but hey, a spiritual awakening is not all crystal and unicorns (even though I love that side of it) and so I’m here to also support the tough times as well as celebrate your light! 💕 If we are on the spiritual awakening path, it’s not always easy and so it’s good to know what a trigger is so you can identify that, clear it if you choose and move on your ascending journey!

For the science side of what I’m saying check out the work of Bruce Lipton, he supports the healing modality I’m trained in which is Matrix Reimprinting. Find link below:

I just want to say a big thank you to everyone that’s supporting my channel by commenting, liking, sharing and donating. Love to you all from the depth of my heart 💛

For info on working 1:1 please go to:

Many thanks

SJ xx ⭐️💕

what is a trigger,triggers,how to know what your wounding is,shadow work,spiritual teacher,spiritual healer,triggering,im being triggered,ascension,3d to 5d,how to ascend,things to do on the ascension path,how to deal with a trigger,online healing,distance energy healing,ascension process,starseed support,How do I Keep getting triggered?,

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