
WHO have become 'pawns in China's global power play'

WHO have become 'pawns in China's global power play' Sky News host Peta Credlin says at the end of this current crisis Australia must reconsider the "standing and value of bodies like the World Health Organisation especially when they've become pawns in China's global power play".

The World Health Organisation on Tuesday came out in defence of China's wet markets and argued for the Wuhan market to reopen stating "with proper regulation and good hygiene practices, it's possible to have safe food sold in wet markets".

Ms Credlin said the reason the WHO have "acquiesced" the trade and have been so "blasé about the likely source of (the) pandemic" can simply be found if one "follows the dollar".

"China has been a multi-billion-dollar donor to Ethiopia, which is the nationality of the World Health Organisation's current head, a former Ethiopian politician (Dr Tedros Adhamon)".

"When he got there one of his first acts was to make the Zimbabwean dictator and China client, Robert Mugabe, a good will ambassador".

Australia has provided $66 million dollars to the WHO over the last two years, while the US has given $400 million in one year alone, but "what's the point" when the chief medical body is "little more than a Chinese cat's paw," she said.

"It's beyond time the Australian government have a serious rethink about why we provide so much undeserved help and status to bodies that despise our values and that by their actions go against the very purpose they were set up for".

Image: AP


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