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The earth is a land of giants, well, at least it was. Although the time when gigantic creatures walked the
earth are long gone, the fascination with them still remains. But even today, there are certain creatures
that can grow to sizes beyond our imagination. Today we will look at 10 of the world’s biggest animals of
all time. Number one is definitely the king of giants so stay tuned for that.
Number 10. The Sarcosuchus Imperator
I’m pretty sure that you’ve never heard of the name Sarcosuchus Imperator, but I’m positive that you’ve
heard of the animal bearing that name; you just didn’t know it was called that. Thanks to a Discovery
Channel documentary on it, most people just know it by the name Super Croc. And with that name, you
can be sure that this creature is massive.
Sarcosuchus was the largest crocodilian to ever walk the earth. To put things in perspective, even the
biggest crocs of today would look like a tiny lizard compared to it. The largest specimen found was
measured at 12 meters long and it stands taller than the average man. The thing is, scientists believe
that these crocs don’t stop growing until they die, so larger specimens are out there somewhere.
Maintaining such a large size entails eating huge meals, but however tantalizing the thought of this croc
hanging by the edge of the water, lunging and grabbing a hapless hadrosaur and drag it into the water
and bite huge chunks off of it, the truth is actually not that dramatic. Scientists studying this animal’s
teeth showed that they lived on mainly a fish diet. But then again, fish back then were no minnows as
Number 9. The Paraceratherium
You think rhinos today are huge, wait until you’ve heard of the largest one to ever walk on earth.
Ironically, their resemblance to the modern day rhino is nonexistent, but rather share more physical
traits in common with a certain long necked, long legged mammal.
Paraceratherium remains today as the largest land
Their large size meant that they would have been quite comfortable living the life of a high browser,
Number 8. The Leedsichthys
Leedsichthys was a giant fish that would have dwarfed every other animal in the sea, but, like the whale
shark which is currently the biggest fish in the sea, it was a gentle giant that lived on the tiny shrimps,
jellyfish and small fish that make up plankton.
They probably travelled large distances to find parts of the world where seasonal conditions caused
plankton to form itself into a dense concentrated organic soup. Once a year, and probably after
plankton feasts, Leedsichthys would have shed the giant filter plates from the back of its mouth,
meaning it was unable to feed itself for several weeks, whilst the new ones grew back. Towards the end
of this time it would have become weakened through hunger and vulnerable to attack.
The Jurassic seas in which Leedsichthys lived were a dangerous place and despite its size, it had no
formal means of defending itself against predators such as Liopleurodon and Metriorhynchus. One
attack would be unlikely to kill a full-grown Leedsichthys, but several predators could have inflicted fatal
damage, leaving this defenceless giant to die slowly from its wounds.
Number 7. The Pliosaurus
Pliosaurs actually started out as a genus of giant, carnivorous dinosaurs the roamed the oceans of
prehistoric earth. But then, when the largest ever specimen was found, and was discovered to be an
entirely new species, it was so massive that scientists just decided to give it the name Pliosaurus,
basically establishing the fact that this was one of the largest sea dwelling dinosaur to have ever lived.
A specimen found in the Svalbard islands of northern Europe has been estimated to have been 49 ft
long, 99,000 lb in weight and had teeth 12 in long. It is estimated to have lived approximately 147
million years. Large but apparently not very smart, its brain was approximately the same size as todays
great white sharks.
It was so large that it had no natural predators, but even so, they had competition for resources.
Mosasaurs were on the rise and although they are much smaller than the pliosaurs, they were much
more agile and quicker, allowing them to compete with the pliosaurs for their food source. In this case,
bigger wasn’t better.
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