
Global National: May 3, 2020 | Canadian biotech company recalls rapid COVID-19 test

Global National: May 3, 2020 | Canadian biotech company recalls rapid COVID-19 test Ottawa biotech company, Spartan Bioscience, is voluntarily recalling rapid tests for COVID-19 after Health Canada raised concerns about the effectiveness of those kits. Mike Le Couteur reports.

And, Jennifer Johnson reports on claims the U.S. has 'enormous evidence' that COVID-19 came from a lab in Wuhan, China.

U.S. doctors are finding a stark divide when it comes to who is most at risk of getting sick in the U.S., and ethnicity appears to play a large role. As Jackson Proskow reports, discrimination and historic inequality have made minorities more vulnerable than others to this pandemic.

Breanna Karstens-Smith looks at the cleanup and insurance woes for residents of Fort McMurray in Alberta following floods.

Plus, Mike Armstrong reports on the 75th anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic, and how this year the ceremonies had to move online due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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