
Michael Moore Is SHOCKED That The Left CENSORED His Documentary Challenging Climate Change Activism

Michael Moore Is SHOCKED That The Left CENSORED His Documentary Challenging Climate Change Activism Leftists Just Got Michael Moore CENSORED Because He Dared Challenge The Climate Change Agenda. Moore's latest film 'Planet Of The Humans' was removed by leftists outraged that he dared challenge their narrative.

The film Planet of the humans argues that many of these environmentalists are running a scam to manipulate people to make money.

The film triggered many far leftists so much so that Moore was called a hero of the far right by the Guardian and slammed by many famous activists.

Moore has made his own bed, once a hero to the white working class he seems to have broken once Democrats ditched them in favor of social justice politics.

As Obama said its a circular firing squad and its only a matter of time before the causes supported by Moore and the Democrats comes back to haunt them.


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timcast,tim pool,intellectual dark web,leftists,far left,censorship,free speech,democrats,michael moore canceled,michael moore censored,planet of the humans,planet of the humans banned,censored,social justice,greta thunberg,climate change activism,

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