
The Burning Heart

The Burning Heart The Burning Heart
(See AUDIO NOTE Below)
The men who walked with Jesus on the road to Emmaus remarked that their hearts burned within them as Jesus ministered to them, and he still does this; He speaks to our hearts. The heart is the center of a person; the place to which God turns to speak to us. Please watch as Pastor April Barrett, First Congregational Church of Portland, Michigan, helps us understand “The Burning Heart”.
AUDIO NOTE: We apologize in advance for the loss of audio during short sections of this video. We are working on improving our future recordings; 15 seconds at approximately 5:25-40, where Pastor April is reading from Luke 24: 13-38, the road to Emmaus. At 14:40 – 15:10 Pastor is relating a devotional from Charles Packer, describing three blessings revealed in the Emmaus experience. And again at 23:30; Psalm 139, missing vs. 7 – 11.

Pastor April Barrett,Portland Michigan,First Congregational Church,The Burning Heart,

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