
How to check your unconscious bias - Dr Jennifer Eberhardt

How to check your unconscious bias - Dr Jennifer Eberhardt Dr Jennifer Eberhardt, author of Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think and Do, and a recent panellist on #Oprah's Town Hall, gives an insight into #unconsciousbias. Dr Eberhardt explains if bias are left unchecked it can lead to great detriment for social groups and the world that we share.

We thought it was worth re-sharing this powerful presentation from our Goalkeepers 2019 event on unconscious bias and its connection to systemic #racism and entrenched #inequalities.


Find out more what action we can take to reduce inequalities:

#BlackLivesMatter,Oprah,Dr Jennifer Eberhardt,racism,inequalities,Prejudice,bias,reduced-inequalities,peace-justice,Goalkeepers,systemic,unconscious bias,

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