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All the people in the video have the same names on Twitch so go and check them all out too.
Song credits:
Take Me Down To The Fashion SHow - Nombe
Come and Get It! - Dan Lebowitz
Hi, I hope you enjoy this among us killing spree with Hafu and I as Imposters. This among us gameplay was recorded over on twitch where I play Among us with friends like Hafu regularly.
Giddawid on Twitch:
Hafu on Twitch:
Hafu Among us Gameplay on Youtube
Hafu ALWAYS Kills on Cooldown ft. Imposter 5up | Among Us:
Hafu Uses Toast's Psychoanalysis to OUT IQ Him! | Among Us:
More information: In this video Hafu and Giddawid are Among us Imposters, possibly the best among us imposter duo. We as imposters go on a among us killing spree to kill our friends. we are playing among us with Flutter, Tides, Gabbie, Aaron, Svennoss, freya, Koji and shwabadi. This among us gameplay is in the polus map which is a little more spread out giving us the time as imposters to go on a killing spree. Do you think Hafu and I are the best among us imposter duo? Let me know.
If you would like to see more among us game play, you can watch me live over on Twitch. Alternatively, you can check out my latest Among us game play highlights here on Youtube.
5up, one of the BEST IMPOSTORS, doesn't suspect me AT ALL | Among Us:
Among Us Trolling Hafu and the the Entire Lobby as Impostor! | Among Us
The Dream Team SAVE the game as IMPOSTORS with Freya Nightingale | Among Us:
I SAVED a lost impostor round with 500IQ plays in Among Us:
$1,000 From DAKOTAZ if the IMPOSTORS WIN in Among Us: