
25 Biological Differences Between Men And Women That Aren’t Commonly Known

25 Biological Differences Between Men And Women That Aren’t Commonly Known 25 Biological Differences Between Men And Women That Aren’t Commonly Known | List25
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We all know that men and women are different from each other. That much is solidly within the world of fact. And many of those differences stem from our biology (there are a good amount that could be chalked up to our environment, but that isn't the subject of this article). We all know this, but what exactly are those biological differences, apart from the obvious ones? Well, fortunately for us, doctors and scientists study things such as these. In healthcare, it is critically important to distinguish between men and women because they need different types of attention. From drug doses to emotional support, there are varying needs in every department which is why doctors and scientists study this so thoroughly. They have to make sure that both men and women receive the best level of care.
For our purposes today, however, we're more concerned with finding out what exactly those biological differences are. At least the less-known ones. These are the differences that you were never aware of. They're not obvious, but they exist. And they define at least a little bit of the difference between male and female. So, without further ado, these are 25 Biological Differences Between Men And Women That Aren't Commonly Known!

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Check out the physical list here:

Most babies born with birth defects are male. If a female has a defect, she still has another copy of that X chromosome. (Source: wikipedia)

Veins in males tend to be larger (Source: wikipedia)

Males are 4 times more likely to be autistic than females.(Source: wikipedia)

Females tend to have more vertical foreheads, while males' foreheads tend to be sloped.(Source: wikipedia)

In males, fat gets deposited between organs. In females, it forms a ring around the abdomen. This is why you can typically tell someone's sex from an MRI, and why liposuction is easier in females. (Source: wikipedia)

Perhaps unexpectedly, males have longer eyelashes on average. (Source: wikipedia)

The first finger of a female's hand is usually longer than the third. With males, it's usually the other way. (Source: wikipedia)

Only females can pass mitochondrial diseases on to their offspring. (Source: wikipedia)

Males are 3 to 10 times more likely to stutter. (Source: wikipedia)

Although both sexes lose hearing on either end of the spectrum, males tend to lose more hearing of high pitched sounds, while females tend to lose more hearing of low pitched sounds. People have noted that as time goes on, males and females literally lose the ability to hear each other (it's a joke). (Source: wikipedia)

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List25,women,science,sex,men,gender,male,female,biological,men and women,men vs. women,biological differences,biology,brain,differences,genetics,dna,gene,

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