
Inside Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy - Referred to as Nerve Pain

Inside Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy - Referred to as Nerve Pain Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy is a disorder involving the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The central nervous system (CNS) includes your brain and spinal cord, and the PNS includes all of the nerves that come from your spinal cord and innervate the rest of your body. Peripheral neuropathy can be caused by many conditions including vitamin deficiencies, alcoholism, autoimmune diseases, certain medications, unknown causes, and from diabetes. When your peripheral nerves become damaged, they do not function properly, and can eventually produce symptoms such as pain, tingling, or numbness.

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Diabetic Neuropathy (Disease Or Medical Condition),Peripheral Neuropathy (Disease Or Medical Condition),Diabetes Mellitus (Disease Or Medical Condition),Nervous System Disease (Disease Or Medical Condition),Pain (Symptom),

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