
What is the Bible Primarily About? How Does the Story Line Come Together?

What is the Bible Primarily About? How Does the Story Line Come Together? What is the Bible primarily about? Is it one unified story? How do we put it all together?

This video is an introduction to some of the foundational truths that Scripture presents, touching on these questions by tracing the story line of redemptive history through the two Adams (the first Adam and the second/last Adam, Jesus Christ).
I hope to introduce concepts such as: federal headship, imputation, union with Christ, some beginning foundations of covenant theology, “eschatology precedes soteriology”, etc., within the framework of the metanarrative of the Bible (while implicitly introducing a redemptive-historical hermeneutic as well).

If you would like to go deeper than this short introduction, I encourage you to check out the videos in the playlist below:
-More in-depth video playlist on similar topics:

Sources used in preparation/putting together the video:
-The Westminster Confession of Faith
-By Faith, Not by Sight by Richard B. Gaffin Jr.
-Biblical Theology by Geerhardus Vos
-A New Testament Biblical Theology by G. K. Beale
-The Last Adam by Brandon D. Crowe
-Jesus Christ: The Last Adam (Essay) by Brandon D. Crowe
-The Heidelberg Catechism
-The Bad News of Federal Headship (Article) by Dale Van Dyke
-Biblical Theology Lectures and Foundations of Covenant Theology Lectures by Lane Tipton

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made alive media,reformed,reformed theology,biblical theology,theology,Bible,hermeneutics,last adam,second adam,

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