
Reasons why the old Tassadar is better than the reworked one.

Reasons why the old Tassadar is better than the reworked one. My Tassadar was level 210 before recent patch 5.0 and I've played for years HOTS.

I've tried different builds since new patch and now I'm comfortable to speak of his new design.

With the updated patch 5.0 for HOTS, Tassadar has been reworked has you know. From my point of view, he has been nerfed and I'll explain to you my reasons. Tassadar is now more of an assassin oriented hero class. I think it was ok to have this approach, but he lost what was unique to him and has become so fragile. He has become another mage and while being squishy, he can't even escape in needed situations. Most people don't know how to play him and don't realize how strong he was before patch. With the new reworked design, I don't know what to think of it. I think he lost he's unique abilities that made him a respected Archon. I added a video of a replay of me just some time before the recent patch just to show you how good he was. The video has been speeded up to save you some time. All seemed lost at beginning, but look at all the match and you might be surprised. Here are some reasons why he's been good before and the highlights on the video (look at video time, not game time for it).

1- Lost of speed and mobility: at 10:40 (without speed, it would have been harder to chase or flee)
2- Good at siege: at 13:55 (Talents and abilities are more solid to siege and not affraid of staying in frontline)
3- Confident vs multiple ennemies: at 15:50 (1 vs 1 is not a problem, even 1 vs 3)
4- Shield and Dimensional rift + Archon is the combo to rule them all: at 17:20 (Everyone dies someday)

There is much more reasons why he was better, but i will let you look at my gameplay to see by yourself.
We were losing from the beginning of the game, with one player AFK. But as we approach end, Tassadar talents makes him more and more better and saves the day.

If there was one thing to change from the old Tassadar, I think he could get a bit more of DPS, with like i said sometime before, a switch of his 16 talent (double psionic storm) to level 13. Or at least, makes his storms hit harder. That could be the solution instead of reworking him into an assassin, because he can do some real DPS in his old form. I usually tops in DPS in siege and on heroes.

I usually end the games without any death. But since patch, if I don't stay behind, death is lurking around...

I would like to hear from you on Tassadar since he's rework. Thanks for watching !

Tassadar,Heroes of the storm patch 5.0,

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