
San Pedro High School Faculty and Staff Salute to the Senior Class of 2020

San Pedro High School Faculty and Staff Salute to the Senior Class of 2020 This is our salute and message to the San Pedro High School Senior Class of 2020. We love you and miss you.

Dear Pirate Senior Class of 2020,

You embarked on your journey of life as our nation was suffering from the attacks of 9/11, and now, as you are about to set sail into adulthood, our nation again finds itself suffering from the attack of this harrowing pandemic. Yet, as we saw then and as we see now, from great tragedy, great heroism arises.

We the faculty and staff of San Pedro High School see the courage and strength you have displayed as your senior year was torn away from you. We’ve seen you batten down the hatches and sacrifice so much -- graduation, prom, senior trips, athletic competitions, dance, clubs, and just being with your friends one last year.

These major milestones may seem adrift at sea at the moment, however, please know, that your teachers, staff, counselors, and administrators, care about you, grieve alongside with you, and are working in creative ways to make the best out of this situation and organize events for you when this silent storm subsides.

In the meantime, let your sails be filled by the driving winds of your passions and perseverance; let your strong courage and bravery steer your course. Use your seasoned social media skills to be together apart. And, know that the Pirate ship will always remain afloat ready to welcome back the historic heroes of the class of 2020. We salute you.

-- Mr. Crowley

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