
Using The Little Lanyard On My Steel To Demonstrate The Handheld Bowstring Technique For Bow Drill

Using The Little Lanyard On My Steel To Demonstrate The Handheld Bowstring Technique For Bow Drill There's 2 reasons why I chose to bring you this video today. 1st reason: For a long time I've been wanting to show you that the cobra weave paracord lanyard that's on my steel is not just a fashion accessory, not just meant to make my homemade steel more attractive. No, I fully intend to use it for a Bow Drill bowstring someday if an emergency calls for it. Now, the deployed lanyard is only 2' long so... How's that going work? That's plenty of length for the Handheld Bowstring Technique which I'll be demonstrating today.
2nd reason: I'm very anxious to see if the Red Oak Bow Drill set that we "troublshooted" two videos ago is still going to make fine, powdery, usable dust if we apply the same 2 tweaks... low downward pressure and slow bowing. This set WAS, while using the normal downward pressure and normal bowing speed, only producing grainy, chunky, and flaky dust that only barely ignited.
Bonus reason) I get to show you the Handheld Bowstring Technique again. Make sure you visit that particular Playlist below, follow the other LINKS, and SUBSCRIBE. Thank You!

Handheld Bowstring Technique Playlist

Cobra Weave Tutorial, for severely “knot challenged” people like me!

Ideal Bow Drill Dust Is Fine And Powdery. What to do about grainy, chunky, and flaky dust piles!

lanyard,paracord,cobra weave,steel,flint and steel,the handheld bowstring technique,bowstring,bow drill,

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