The heart or fourth chakra can be found in the center position of the chest. The heart chakra is known to be the source of emotions such as love, generosity, joy, respect, and warmth among other positive feelings. The principles of integration and transformations are governed by this particular chakra.
The heart chakra is often referred to as the fourth chakra due to its position along the chakra ladder. It is also sometimes called the "Anahata" which is its Sanskrit name which translates into "untruck".
The heart chakra is most often associated with the green color, sometimes it can also be represented with the pink color. Its element is air and it is also associated with the antelope. It was symbolized by a cycle with 12 petals which contain a 6 pointed star inside it.
Due to its location in the body, this chakra is primarily associated with the heart, circulatory system, lungs, and arms.
The behavioral and psychological characteristics that the heart chakra is often associated with include kindness, generosity, joy, compassion, respect, warmth, love, beauty, forgiveness, and peace. When the fourth chakra is open, then and only then can there be a harmonious exchange of energy with one's surrounding.
Situated in the center position among the seven chakras, the fourth chakra serves as the point of integration between higher aspirations and earthly matters. Through the strengthening of the heart chakra, we can better experience the beauty of life.
639 Hz Solfeggio Frequency and its benefits
• Helps in dealing with relationship problems between friends and family.
• Creates an interpersonal relationship effect
• Increases one’s understanding, love, communication, and tolerance
• Can be used in the cellular process helping in communicating with the environment
528 Hz Solfeggio Frequency: Audiotherapy video to heal your soul, this video will improve your mood, mental health, and self esteem. This video uses binaural beats which are great for enhancing your performance, focus, memory, retention and helping you get better sleep combined with 528 Hz Solfeggio Frequency which is a healing frequency for your body and soul, it cures anxiety and depression and betters your mood and self esteem; it also repairs DNA and healing of the sore and damaged muscles, it improves bone density.
To learn more about the solfeggio based ancient healing frequency music please visit our website here
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Artist: Supernatural Brainwave Power
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Our body is maintained at an unconscious level. Our inner self always tries to maintain our body's balance and health but our beliefs always interfere. So “If you believe you can, you can”. Positive thinking, positive visualization and your hard work is the key to success with the law of attraction. My music helps you deepen your visualization or law of attraction meditation, helping you ground and connect with your inner power source (your subconscious mind).
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