
EV Church 6pm Live stream | 26|4|20

EV Church 6pm Live stream | 26|4|20 Welcome to a live stream of EV Church's evening service!
➤ Find out more about Jesus or EV Church at

We would love it if you would join us in person when we are able to gather again. Hopefully soon!

Out of love for our community, all pre-recorded and live elements of this livestream have been prepared in accordance with social distancing guidelines and applicable government restrictions, which may differ from those in place at time of viewing. We’re thankful to be able to share words of hope and peace at this difficult time.

As at 1st April, 2020 the NSW Department of Health has confirmed that: Church buildings are deemed work places for the purpose of live streaming church services, and while there is no maximum number, it is expected the number will be kept to a minimum with social distancing measures observed and closed to the public.

Live music streamed with permission CCLI Streaming license #15587


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