Reach rehabilitation professionals now.
ACRM is the place to be — to reach interdisciplinary rehabilitation professionals as explained by —Christine M. MacDonell, FACRM, CARF International
"This is a great opportunity for me to talk to you about ACRM. I've been a member for a very long period of time.
ACRM is an incredible opportunity to meet with people around the world
To share our passion for rehabilitation & for research
For trying got improve the lives of people that we serve
This is the place to be if you want to exhibit
If you want to find out what's happening in the field
What's the latest equipment
What are the latest technology techniques
Who are the people who are movers and shakers in rehabilitation
This is the exhibit hall you need to be in.
It's a great opportunity to learn, grow and to have an opportunity to interact with those that are leaders in rehabilitation & research"