
Barnyard Remaster - The Work So Far (no audio)

Barnyard Remaster - The Work So Far (no audio) So mainly thus far it's just been messing around in UE4. Creating basic models and textures for the objects and just seeing what I can make/change to the main yard. It's rough, a lot of bugs need fixing with the shading, outlines (all in the post process), but I'm determined to try and iron out the kinks. It won't be a straightaway deal, but over time hopefully, I can create something I, and whoever views this, can enjoy.

I will try to add some audio soon, giving my thoughts and stuff, or even just background music, however for now, with no mic or editing software, this will do to get my work out there.

If you have any advice, like what could be added/done to improve whats shown, any experience or tips to share, or anything at all, do comment down below.


Barnyard,Nickelodeon,Spongebob,THQNordic,Farm,Cow,Games,Game Design,Devlog,UE4,3DS Max,GDC,3D,Gamecube,ScottTheWoz,Tutorial,Landscape,Epic,THQ,Review,IGN,Remaster,Remake,Guide,Community,Cult Classic,

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