
Cloud Hosting with Rayan Infotech

Cloud Hosting with Rayan Infotech Rayan Infotech maintains A-Z of your website hosting at AWS (Amazon Web Services) –

1) Domain Registration/Points to Existing Domain
2) EC2 Instance Creation
3) Configure Route 53 for your website
4) Set Load Balancer
5) Security Implementation
6) SSL Certificate
7) Configure Email Accounts
8) Websites and Databases Design
9) Integration with Databases
10) Configure Payment Gateways for Websites and Mobile Apps
11) Optimization of Website Pages
12) Testing of Applications
13) 24×7 Support
14) Android and iOS Mobile Apps Development and Documentation for mobile apps.
15) Launching Android and iOS Apps to Google Play Store, Apple Store and other stores.

Website Hosting,Cloud Hosting,Education,Blogs,Mobile Apps,AWS,Launching apps at Google Play Store,Google Play Store,Apple Store,Android Apps,iOS Apps,Rayan Infotech,Desktop Application,eCommerce,Woocommerce,eCommerce Shopping Site,Designining and Hosting,Mobile Apps Development,Payment Gateway,SSL Certificate,Amazon Web Services,

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