
IIMR June 2020 Update: 'Coronavirus pandemic, the quantity of money and asset prices'. Tim Congdon

IIMR June 2020 Update: 'Coronavirus pandemic, the quantity of money and asset prices'. Tim Congdon 'More on the coronavirus pandemic, the quantity of money and asset prices. By Tim Congdon, Chairman of the Institute of International Monetary Research.

On the impact of the policy responses to the crisis on monetary growth in the USA, the UK, the Eurozone, Japan, Canada and Australia; and the impact of the surge in the amount of money on asset prices.

Recorded in the UK, 22 June 2020.

Money and asset prices,Covid-19 economic effects,IIMR,Institute of International Monetary Research,Tim Congdon,Monetary analysis,Money and inflation,The amount of money,Money growth,Inflationary boom USA,Central banks and QE,

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