

SAPPY. AND. VULNERABLE.: puddle a stupid love song that feels really weird to sing and im really spooked to make this video public ah


its never felt so good to breathe
thats cuz
ur here w me
u say
im special and im unique
i wish
that u could see
that it
feels like im floating while im laying down
my heart skips a beat at the slightest sound of ur
i feel at home when u say u love me back
and i
guess i never thought that id say that
and its
sappy and vulnerable to say
that im happy and ive never felt this way
i like to be different but for u id write
every cliche
if it meant that u smiled more
everyday :)
im sorry its hard me to say out loud
but talking cant explain how
different this feels than before
u have a way of making me feel more
i wanna take ur scars and give myself so many
if it meant that u could see what i see
in u
take every heart break and flip it upside down
just to show u u are cared abt
at least by me
if that means anything
and its sappy and its vulnerable to say
that im happy and ive never felt this way
i like to be different but for u
id write
every cliche
if it meant that u smiled more
if it meant that u smiled more
if it meant that u smiled more
dayyyyyyyyyayayayayaya WO


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