
Twin Flames: TAURUS - You will end up TOGETHER - They will CALL you Soon 📞❤️💌☯️

Twin Flames: TAURUS - You will end up TOGETHER - They will CALL you Soon 📞❤️💌☯️ 🔥🔥🔥Website: 🔥🔥🔥

Lots of Love and Blessings as always,
Sacred Phoenix 🔥

For private readings go to my website and click on the calendar:
🔥🔥🔥Website: 🔥🔥🔥

I offer the following services:

Twin Flame reading
Soul Mate or Love reading
Akashic Records or Past Life reading (Most popular on my site)
Soul Purpose or Career readings

👁📦🔮NEW: I now also offer PACKAGE Readings since a lot of you requested so you can have combination of Love, Career and PastLife or Akashic Records.

Some Tarot/Oracle decks used in this reading:
Shadowscapes Tarot Deck Cards
Dreams of Gaia Taro
Contra Versa Tarot by Aria
Star Tarot
Gaia Oracle Cards

You Tube Cover Image:
Shadowscapes Tarot Deck Cards



(Love you guys and THANK YOU for donating to this channel.
I appreciate it and it helps me keep going)

#sacredphoenixtarot #twinflamereading


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