
I Found A Secret Room In My House But I Can't Open It

I Found A Secret Room In My House But I Can't Open It Check out our channels in your favorite language

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Swimming had been my most favorite activity, sport, and hobby since I was small. It was also the only sport I was good at. Because I was so passionate about it, my parents had paid for the lessons since I was a child. But later in high school, I took swimming so there was no need of putting extra cash in training out of school. I was undoubtedly the best swimmer in the school and all of my friends knew that. However, my school coach was not the best or even good at all. It was mostly because he was so biased. He would never give me a chance to compete in any of the competitions or championships even when I was the best of all because he wanted his own son in that position.
He would never win in any of those because he wasn’t even as good as me but every other competition the coach would send his son to compete. I couldn’t even complain to the principal as he would turn a blind eye every time I did cos' the coach and him were related.
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However, I never gave up hope and still stayed late after school and practiced hard. Still nothing good came out of it.
And although my parents supported my dreams and paid for training, they couldn’t afford to sponsor me to championships; it took a lot of money. My dad didn’t have a job that paid much.
But one day he came home with some good news.
“I’m getting promoted,” he said as soon as he entered the home after returning from work. Mom and I were so happy as it was such wonderful news. However, it was not all happy news as we had thought as the offer of promotion came with a catch.
He told us that he was getting a raise and promoted to a higher level but we had to move to a new place, a rural island, and settle there.
So later that day my mom and dad came to my room to talk to me about it.
They asked me about how I felt about moving because I would have to transfer to a school there.
“It’s a big step, as much for you as us so you have a say in this. Let us know what you want to do,” my mom said.
But at that moment I really felt like I needed to think about it so I asked them to give me some time to think and that was exactly what they did.
Consequently, at that time I was feeling so grateful for my parents since they were so thoughtful when it came to me.
So, after they left I started thinking about a lot of things; like my biased school swimming team coach who would never let me perform to my potential or ever give me the spotlight instead of his own son. Then I thought about my friends who only liked living the rich life so I had to stay behind in the plans they made most of the time because I couldn’t afford their habits.
The more I thought about it the more I figured how I had nothing to stay behind for. And besides, the island itself was not a bad place. It was a huge and mysterious kind of island. From the pictures I looked over at the internet, it seemed well-habited however, kind of rural with small patches of towns.
“It is quite unique,” I said to myself as I thought of it more and that was when I made my decision.
I went straight down to the living room where my parents were and told them that I was all in and couldn’t wait to move.
“I feel like this change is for good,” I said.


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