
shit easily and regularly subliminal

shit easily and regularly subliminal ok this one isn’t a joke but this is for the fatties who have a hard time when it comes to bathroom breaks and have constipation🤩i did literal solid research for this so ur bodies gonna start functioning right cos i said so✨


_healthy and perfectly functioning digestive and excretory system

_always attract food with the perfect amount of fibre

_fun 10/10 shit sessions (for those who take their phone to the bathroom🗿)

_your shit smells like beautiful flowers even i’d smell it🌸🥺💕

_always produce the perfect amount of shit/shit texture + shit size😍

_painless + short toilet breaks

_always shit easily 4 times a week (healthy is at least every day or 3 times a week)

_comfortable shitting sessions🤩

_healthy flexible @sshole that releases shit with ease🥵

_healthy perfectly functioning rectum🐻

-perfectly regular bowel movements👁👄👁


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