I have been using the S.M.A.R.T. Goal guide, it really makes you think, be specific and honest with yourself. We will continue to use this over the next couple weeks in our quest of getting to the right goals!
Today, lets chat about M and A.
M Measurable. Be specific. Again "I want to grow my business by the end of the year" what does that mean? If you can't measure it, you can't make goals to achieve it. See a breakdown to help with this.
A Attainable. It is great to have BIG goals that may be 2, 3, 4 even 5 years out, and those can be totally attainable. However, if you ONLY have your eye on the larger picture it can be overwhelming and discouraging. You need to break goals down into attainable pieces. Smaller broken down goals help to lay the path for achieving the big ones!
To read more, see some examples and resources, head over to our blog: