
Feeling Low? EMBRACE IT! | An Incredibly Powerful Speech

Feeling Low? EMBRACE IT! |  An Incredibly Powerful Speech Feeling Low? EMBRACE IT! | An Incredibly Powerful Speech

Nick Santonastasso is one of four people in the world that suffer from a rare genetic disease, being born with heavily disfigured limbs. Despite this, Nick has embraced life and offers amazing advice and motivation for anyone who might be stuck in a hard place.


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Speakers: Nick Santonastasso

Music Licensed by Agus Gonzalez-Lancharro
Music by Really Slow Motion
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The majority of people are on earth dying,
they're not living, they're working jobs they don't like
or they're doing things that they just don't enjoy.

I feel like gratitude, if a person can just live in a state of gratitude
they could change their whole entire life.
And I can make this quick and simple and easy for everyone to comprehend.
Me, a man with no legs and one arm,
there are millions of people as we sit in this couch
that would switch places with me in an instant
because they just don't have it like me.
There are kids and adults that are confined in wheelchair beds,
there are kids and adults that are paralyzed in wheelchairs
that look outside and say,
“man, I wish I could just go outside and breathe the fresh air,
I wish I could just listen to the birds,
I wish I could get out of this hospital bed”,
like it gives me chills, that's all the motivation
I need because I know that my situation isn't bad.
And the sad thing is that there's people with full bodies that say,
“oh, man, his life is bad”, no, it's not.
The biggest disability is a bad mindset, it's not this, it is not this,
it’s people don't have their mind right.
People are just like, “oh, my God, I can't do this, I can't do that”,
no, you can, you're truly capable of anything, you put limits on yourself.
The only limits you have are the ones you put on yourself.
So to go back to gratitude, like start being grateful that you woke up today,
start being grateful that you were in a bed,
you can go outside, there's people sleeping on the sidewalk,
like how can you not be grateful?
So living in a state of gratitude and waking up
and starting your day off with gratitude,
listening five things you're grateful for,
thinking about five things you're grateful for,
you'll notice that your mind gets in a rhythm and
at first it may be big things like, oh, my family, my house, whatever it may be
but then your mind will get in the rhythm
and start thinking about the little things,
the little things you're grateful for like,
“man, I got good health or
man, I got food in the refrigerator or I got friends”,
you know the little things, your mind starts
to just become grateful for the things around you and you realize that
the things you complain about on a day to day basis
and the grand scheme of life
they are not problems, we don't have problems.
It's important to know that one moment can
induce those toxic thoughts in your head
but the important thing about that is when I'm in those low moments
and this is for everyone needs to do this,
when you're in those low moments, embrace it.
What are you feeling?
How are you breathing?
How do you feel?
And realize that this is not a state I want to be in.
So embrace that low time and be like,
“oh, my God, I feel like poop, I don't feel good,
this is my low state, these are all the things that I don't want to go through
and the thoughts that I don't want to think about”.
And that's the thing, you know, embrace that time, embrace that state
and realize that, “oh, my God, I don't want to feel like this”,
and then get out of it, and the way to get out of it is
start thinking positive affirmations, start thinking about,
because your mind can only think about one thought,
so if you're thinking about something negative,
change that thought.
So I start to think to myself, “I am beautiful, I am confident, I am an athlete,
if that girl doesn't want to talk to me, that it's an organic filter
and that's the type of people that I don't want to be around,
Nick it was helping you, she's not the girl you want to be around,
she's looking at you for this”.
So that's the one of the things that helped me so much because
I'm not going to lie girls is still tough part for me, you know
and especially as a twenty two year old guy, it's a hard, it's a low point for me,
but to realize that me being in this situation,
like we said about the tribes,
it organically attracts the right people you want to be with,
so if a girl is going to not talk to me or just not even respect me for
my lack of limbs, “ok fine, take a hike,
because you are not the person that I want to be around”.

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