
Petering Out

Petering Out Original song (c) Mayaj 2009

Look into my eyes and you still won't see what I see

Look into my eyes; Storm clouds

I see everything you want me to be

I look into your eye, the one you show the world

I look into your eye; storm clouds

You see everything you wanted to see

But I'm figuring out, figuring out

it's figuring out, figuring out

All the things you think you hide from me

It's petering out ,petering out

Petering out, petering out

All the things you think that I can't see

Are killing me

Look up at the sky, look straight ahead

the clouds are gathering, that's all that need be said.

Please don't ask me when I'll see you again

Because I'm figuring out, figuring out

figuring out, figuring out

All the things you think you hide from me

It's petering, out petering out

Petering out, petering out

All the things you think that I can't see

Are killing me

So don't say goodbye, don't ask that question

I don't wanna lie, but I'll do the best that I can

You can't get anything you wanted from me

I look into your eyes, and the monsters smile at me

Can't you see your denial will never let you be free

I can fight it, if you'll fight it with me

Because you're figuring, out figuring out

figuring out, figuring out

All the things that have been done to you

Petering out, petering out

Petering out Petyr let out

All the things you know that you can do

Are killing you


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