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There's not much to do in Vermont...Though the combination of cold weather & small isolated towns do force an extremely bored kid to get creative. 23 years old & now based in Brooklyn, Pierce is still subject to the habits of his youth; bouncing between genres & instruments while simultaneously bringing all of these influences into the dance music he's known for. He made his first real breakthrough at the age of 18 with his first 3 track EP titled "Pardon My French". You may have seen the "making of" video where some pretty unconventional sounds were sampled & definitely turned some heads. With breakout singles including Where We Were, Runaway, & Kuaga as well as official remixes for artists ranging from The Killers to Above & Beyond, his style continues to evolve & love of experimentations doesn’t diminish. You may have also heard his downtempo and experimental productions such as 10/6 (That Should Do It), As You Were, his remix for Mutemath & more recently his live version of Kuaga.