I would challenge the belief that diet and health is purely a personal responsibility. I talk about the diverse population in the UK and why the food industry should be part of the solution to improving our diet. This is illustrated with stories from my Nuffield Farming Research tour that took me to different countries observing food production and eating habits. Take home messages include my thoughts on food as medicine, the impact of the food environment on our health and proposing a sustainable food system as the future of food. I would like to challenge the belief that diet and health is purely a personal responsibility. I will talk about the diverse population in the UK and why the food industry should be part of the solution to improving our diet. I will illustrate this with stories from my Nuffield Farming Research tour that took me to different countries observing food production and eating habits. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at