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*Timestamps* -
01:03 - 1. When ZG Goes Live
01:47 - 2. Why Should You Farm ZG
02:28 - 3. How Many Bijous For Exalted
03:06 - 4. Gear Requirement
04:22 - 5. Consumables Needed
06:01 - 6. Talent Builds
07:42 - 7. How to Properly Kill the Crocs
10:03 - 8. My Solo Strat
12:41 - 9. Resetting ZG
Hello everyone and thank you for checking out this wow classic mage video! If you're enjoying these videos or have any questions, please let me know in the comments below, like the videos and subscribe! They really help out the channel and help more people learn these strategies!
In today's wow classic mage video we jump into Zul'Gurub (ZG) which will be released on April 16th at 12:01 CEST. The goal of this video is to give you all of the information you need to know before Phase 4 and ZG drops so that you can maximize your gold farm and make a ton of gold when it comes out!
I tried to be as direct as possible to keep the video quick and to the point showing exactly what you need to know. We cover gear, talents, how to get there, why you should farm the dungeon, and how to farm the dungeon. In the near future I'll have another solo ZG mage farm guide once I can get some footage as it drops!
Thank you everyone and I hope this video helped you in some way! If it did or if you have any questions, please let me know in the comments below. Look forward to seeing you all in the next video!