
True American Citizens Act to Aid. Not to Attack viciously as an Animal.

True American Citizens Act to Aid.  Not to Attack viciously as an Animal. Elections are upon us.

Who you vote for is your choice guaranteed by our Country's constitution.

Respect fellow citizen's no matter their views and accept that this is one of a few countries in the World where you can do so without government prosecution.

Anger against fellow citizen's accomplishes more anger; not peace.

The attached video clip is who we are as a people.

Help when a need arises and ask not other's political views. Just respect one another. Life is too short to waste on minuscule differences from each other.

We are American's. Any less; makes us Cave people animals. Not compassionate Human's.

This comment is from a Bed bound Disabled stroke victim watching America tear itself apart on World Broadcast media.

The citizens of this Great country has countless times answered the Call to go to war to rid other countries from evil regressive regimes.

Now we must save ourselves from the sin's we commit against each other. Or ; Freedom of Humanity dies. We go back to the animal kingdom as a failed species.

The power of the future is in your hands.

Mr. Roy


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