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A quick update on what’s been going on on the layout this week.
Firstly, I’ve fitted new station signs to both Buckdale and Pondon, as well as the signal boxes. The old versions were made of paper and had become very warped, bent and faded. The new signs were supplied by the by the mighty Gary Spicer. His channel can be found here:
Secondly, I used up some old track by removing the sleepers and rails, painting these and placing them by the lineside huts. Previously the areas around the huts looked a bit sparse and many period photos show plenty of clutter as track gangs maintain the line.
After nearly three years I’ve finally got round to fitting working signals. In typical YDMR fashion these are hand operated modified Hornby versions I picked up dirt cheap second hand. These are a little chunky, but coming in at £20 cheaper (each!) than the motorised versions, it was an easy compromise, especially considering I have over 15 to replace!
Finally, I added a new barn. This great kit was designed and built by the wise Sam Jones over at Peaks 47. Unfortunatly I couldn't finish this area as everywhere seems to be sold out of seafoam, but as soon as I've got hold of some the barn will be blended in with trees along the backscene. It's a bit sparce at the minute.
A video of Sam assembling and painting this kit can be found here:
The barn kit is available here:
As always, thanks for watching.