Well. . .in this video I tell you all about it and what a real estate broker job description is. I also explain the differences between a real estate agent, REALTOR, sales person, etc. . .
If you are wondering what the hierarchy in a real estate office looks like - this is the video for you!
Titles for real estate professionals
The real estate profession is regulated by state governments, which have different requirements for earning a license. In general, though, the titles you may come across include:
Real estate agent: Anyone who earns a real estate license can be called a real estate agent, whether that license is as a sales professional, an associate broker or a broker. State requirements vary, but in all states you must take a minimum number of classes and pass a test to earn your license.
Real estate salesperson: Another name for a real estate agent. A salesperson must take 60 hours of classes and pass an exam with both state and national sections.
REALTOR®: A real estate agent who is a member of the National Association of REALTORS®, which means that he or she must uphold the standards of the association and its code of ethics.
Real estate broker: A person who has taken education beyond the agent level as required by state laws and has passed a brokers license exam. Brokers can work alone or they can hire agents to work for them.
Real estate associate broker: Someone who has taken additional education classes and earned a brokers license but chooses to work under the management of a broker.
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These videos are inspired by: Karin Carr
If you want to talk to me about Charlottesville real estate feel free to email me at ashleytowncville@gmail.com.